Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Lil' Site Seeing

Liz and I try to make the best of our weekends in Seville, so we got out this morning and knocked out a few sites we've been meaning to visit. We've already been to El Mercado de Triana, but I got to snap some pictures today of the colorful food stands.

Live snails!

After the Mercado, we visited El Castillo de San Jorge, which we pass everyday but haven't explored. The market is built on top of the castle, which was originally a fortress but part of it was destroyed. It played leading role in the beginning of the Spanish Inquisition (which nobody expects) and today serves as a reminder on human rights. I didn't take any photos, it was mostly just ruins, but worth a walk around. 

Then we walked down to Torre de Oro, and icon in Seville. It once served as a look out point on the river. There were model's of Columbus' and Magellan's ships and you can climb to the top for a good view. 


View of La Giralda from Torre de Oro

Calle Betis and Triana from the top of Torre de Oro